Patient's health
since 2017
Premier Stem Cell Hospital in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. We provide exceptional quality healthcare in a safe and comfortable environment or even directly to your hotel room.
Our medical concierge team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service and making sure all your needs are met in a timely manner. As a special offer, we are providing a 10% discount when you order.

Doctor Consultation
Clients travel down to our clinic in Puerto Vallarta to obtain their stem cell treatments. At the hospital, we provide a comprehensive service that begins with an in-person consultation with the medical doctor/director.
We require a series of blood tests and labs at the hospital. Or to make it more convenient for our clients, we offer a nurse who will go to your hotel and administer the blood draw. Once the blood is processed in 24hrs or less turn around.
Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine
People who might benefit from stem cell therapies include those with spinal cord injuries, type 1 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, stroke, burns, cancer and osteoarthritis.
Stem cells may have the potential to be grown to become new tissue for use in transplant and regenerative medicine. Researchers continue to advance the knowledge on stem cells and their applications in transplant and regenerative medicine.
Umbilical Stem Cells (USCs) are a type of pluripotent stem cell found in umbilical cord blood. They are capable of self-renewal, meaning they can divide and produce more stem cells that differentiate into any type of cell in the body. USCs have an advantage over other types of stem cells in that they are easier to collect, store and grow in the laboratory. Making them a valuable tool for regenerative medicine. Scientists have been able to use them to develop new treatments for a variety of diseases and conditions.
Stem cell therapy can repair fibrous connective tissue and stimulate the formation of cartilage, tendon, ligaments and bone. Umbilical cord blood stem cells not only promote long term pain relief but a significant restoration of normal functions.
Bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) are used in a stem cell transplant, new stem cells are added into the bloodstream to replace unhealthy cells. The stem cells are taken from either the bone marrow or the bloodstream. Transplantation is performed in the hospital or in an outpatient setting. A stem cell transplant is a treatment for some kinds of cancer. This includes blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. A stem cell transplant also can be used to treat some genetic conditions and blood diseases that are not cancer.
All procedures done by the director of orthopedics at a major hospital here in Vallarta.
Price list of common Surgical procedures (in the operating room)
BMAC application knees, hips,spine $95,000
Knee arthroscopy (chondroplasty with BMAC) $100,000
Knee Viscosuplementation (per knee) $8,500
Hip Replacement $250,000
Knee replacement $250,000
Meniscal repair $95,000
Rotator Cuff (shoulder) repair $88,000
Price list of NON SURGICAL procedures {office procedures)
Steroid infiltration (per joint) $2200
PRP infiltration (per session) $3200
Platelets GF $9500
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
MSCs infiltration per joint {25 million MSC) $20,000
MSCs infiltration per joint (SO million MSC) $35,000
MSCs IV (100 million) * $76,000
MSCs IV (200 million)* $100,000
MSCs IV (300 million)* $150,000
*IV treatments, IV cellular nutrition and oral nano
supplements are included.

Wellness Conference, nourish and flourish
Placenta Implant
Total Treatment Protocol

Preventative Medicine

​Our regenerative medicine center specializes in stem cell treatments and
bone marrow stem cell treatments.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can separate into various cell types, including: Bone cells, called osteoblasts. Cartilage cells, termed chondrocytes. Muscle cells, called myocytes.
Knee package includes 25 million umbilical stem cells per knee with ultrasound-guided injection by our orthopedic surgeon, Doctor M. The package of $1400 per knee includes MRI, xray, blood work, PRP, and umbilical stem cells.
For an intensive full-body regeneration. We offer a 300,000,000 iv injection, pre-treatment IV cellular nutrition booster, post stem cell iv placenta implants and 30-day supply of nano supplements for 6000 dollars on special. The highest quality Intravenous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy.
Dermatological Procedures
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) lasers work exceptionally well for the treatment of uneven skin tone. Treats age spots, sunspots, freckles, rosacea, unsightly blood vessels, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. Safely and effectively closes larger, deeper blood vessels, such as telangiectasia and spider veins. Available with or without stem cells. This fractional treatment penetrates deep can be combined with stem cells and or PRP for optimal results!